This movie has been directed by Jaques Feyder in 1926 and plays in a swiss alpin village. It tells the story of Jean. His mother has passed away recently. When his father decides to marry a new wife, trouble starts. Jean does not accept his new mother and her daugther, his new sister Arlette. On a sledging Jean chuks away the puppet of Arlette. In the night Arlette is looking for the puppet and gets nearly killed by a snowslide. She can find cover in a small chappel. The people of the village can rescue her. Jean, knowing, that all this is his fault leaves his family and wants to dump himself into the river. His stepmother realises the danger and can save Jean. By doing so she becomes Jeans new mother.
The cinema in Tokyo
The crew
The cinema
The audience
Some chapters of the movie with my soundtrack
Exposition of the story. The death of the mother and the funeral.
Arlette looking for her puppet and the snowslide.

The villagepeople are searching after and finally rescuing Arlette.

Jean wants to kill himself and Happy End.